Bookmarks on writing a PhD thesis

I am currently writing my PhD thesis (but will keep this page in the future, though not updated).

I was looking around to find information on how to structure my PhD thesis. I found some suggestions, but also other links which my be of interest to future PhD tudents. So I decided to put them together here. Not that some of it may be very specific for the individual institutions.

How To Write a PhD Thesis (UBC)

How To Do Research In the MIT AI Lab
Notes On The PhD Degree (A warning from Purdue University)
Information for research students (Imperial College UK)
Graduate students ressources on the web links by Dan Horn
Notes on Writing Papers and Theses by Ken Lertzman, School of Resource and Environmental Management, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia
Another list of links by Vasilios A. Siris

Postgraduate Pages - How to write a thesis  (University of South Australia)
      Including  The Research Thesis: What Examiners Look For

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at
Last modified 22. February 1999
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